
Planned Downtime

The IT Service will give users five working days’ notice of any planned downtime for maintenance or upgrading, where possible.

All Trusts will notify CITS of systems critical to their operation and dates when downtime would cause major disruption to their business, to enable CITS to plan around these dates.

CITS are not contracted for planned out of hours work, however customers may request for disruptive work to be performed out of office hours at an agreed cost.

Unplanned Downtime

Occasionally, equipment affecting many users will fail during working hours and emergency work will need to be carried out to resolve the fault. This will normally be carried out as soon as possible and may involve further downtime for groups of users or whole systems.

In these cases, notice of further downtime will be given where possible, but is not guaranteed. The nature of the emergency may also mean that the usual methods of notifying downtime will not be available, therefore a site contact will be identified for manual dissemination of updates.

Our Service Level Agreement

Support Incidents Priority 1: Critical Priority 2: High Priority 3: Medium Priority 4: Low
Support Incidents Availability Priority 1: Critical 24-Jul Priority 2: High Core Hours Priority 3: Medium Core Hours Priority 4: Low Core Hours
Support Incidents Response / Acknowledgement Time Priority 1: Critical 1 Hour Priority 2: High 2 Core Hours Priority 3: Medium 8 Core Hours Priority 4: Low 2 Core Days
Support Incidents Resolution / Completion Time Priority 1: Critical 8 Hours Priority 2: High 1 Core Day Priority 3: Medium 3 Core Days Priority 4: Low 10 Core Days
Support Incidents Communication Method Priority 1: Critical

01209 881717 (On Call available via this number out of hours)

Priority 2: High Self Service Portal (phone recommended for high priority) Priority 3: Medium
  • 01209 881717
  • Self Service Portal
Priority 4: Low
  • 01209 881717
  • Self Service Portal
Support Incidents Example Request / Issue Priority 1: Critical Critical clinical system outage. Underpinning infrastructure outage. Priority 2: High Clinical or business system outage. Major performance issue. Infrastructure outage. Priority 3: Medium System functionality issues. Urgent support query. Access requests. Priority 4: Low Single user issues. Non service-affecting.

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